Store. Protect. Deliver
Wireless Networking

The Problem

Not all connectivity problems can be answered with wires, and working without wires can add additional challenges.
  • Mobile devices
  • Cost of running wire cleanly prohibitive or not possible.
  • Guest users
  • Mobile workstations within a workspace.
  • Security with problems of "open" networks.

IT Brief-Case™

Costs and thus savings with wireless may not be immediately apparent:
  • Supporting guests provides a connectivity service to visitors. This not only keeps them happy, but it may allow for meetings, deals, and overall communication to be faster.
  • Internal mobile devices with connectivity allows for happier employees
  • Understanding both permissions and security risks of wireless connectivity.
  • If you rent, or given the structure of the building, it simply may not be possible to run wires.
  • Distance to run wires between two locations may be cost prohibitive.

Solved @ VSands

Whatever the need, and understanding the costs and benefits, wireless network is Solved @ Virtual~Sands:
  • Setting up wireless routers and access points to achieve the desired coverage.
  • Selecting antennas and repeaters to achieve the necessary range for multiple locations.
  • Securing a network and configuring open "guest" access
  • Considering the rest of your network and understanding out adding wireless connectivity may affect it.